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Keurig B70 Platinum

Wednesday 14 March 2012

Keurig B70 Platinum

If it’s good to be the king then it’s good to be the B70. The Keurig B70 Platinum single-cup home brewing system is the top dog in Keurig’s home line of single-serve coffee makers and if you can afford the best then here it is. I speak from experience on this as I’ve had my Platinum for well over 3 years now with barely a missed day in use. I figure over the course of my owning the B70, I’ve run the brewer through at least a thousand cycles. And it still works and makes great coffee like it did from day one.

Yes, there are a few things you have to do to take care of it from time to time but as far as coffee makers go it’s the simplest I’ve owned. Should I ever break it or it unexpectedly dies on me I simply will buy another B70. How many other appliances do you own where if they break you’d just get the same model all over again? I can’t think of one except my Keurigs.

Keurig B70 Platinum | On a Side Note…

I want to make a side note here to anyone here who is reading lots of reviews online and really considering buying the Keurig B70:
Honestly, a lot of the Keurig reviews I’ve seen online have a problem that I must mention. At times the reviewers are critical of the coffee but don’t say enough about the machine. Here’s the thing: your coffee will only be as good as the k-cups you buy. That’s it. If you buy terrible coffee then no high-end machine can save you. And if you are buying the top of the line Keurig Platinum then earmark a few extra dollars for some good k-cups. Before you do that you have to evaluate what features you are looking for in a single-server maker and that’s why you need a review of the machine.

The Keurig B70 is the feature packed elder brother of all the other Keurig models. It has a large backlit LCD screen with lots of options for things like: setting the temperature of the brew and selecting the size of the cup. The screen alerts you to when the machine is heated up and ready to brew and will also notify you of when it is time to descale. It has a removable water reservoir and drip tray which make for easier cleaning and also has a water-level sensor. The sensor will detect when the reservoir is low and a blue light will blink to indicate it’s time for a refill. The B70 water reservoir can be filled by removing the lid and pouring in fresh water or removing the entire tank and refilling at the sink.

Keurig B70 Platinum | The B60 vs. B70

There are a couple of selling points the Platinum has over and above the very popular Keurig B60. Going head to head B60 vs. B70 you do see some feature upgrades. One, the water reservoir is larger (60oz vs. 48oz on the B60). The B70 will do Iced Coffee and also has the larger 11.25 oz size setting. However, this means you usually want to go with a more robust k-cup if you will be using the larger travel mug size. Selecting one of the 5 brew-size options does mean less/more water passing through the K-cup and altering the strength of the final cup of coffee.

Another upgraded feature I like is the timer on the B-70. Most coffee makers have a clock setting, yes, but you still are required to prep the coffee filter/grounds the night before. With the Keurig Platinum it’s just a matter of setting a time to “boot up.” As the heating element takes around 2 minutes to be fully ready to brew, you can set it to kick on and when to turn off. If you want your coffee by 7:15am then set it for 7:10. Plop in a K-Cup, press the button and in one minute you’re done in less than five. With the auto-off setting if you are out the door to the office at 8am then it can be set to shut off for the day.
The B70 feels very sturdy and looks sharp with the chrome “trim.” The unit will easily sit under most cabinets as it it is only 13″ high. It is smart-looking enough with a midnight black matte finish so it should compliment just about any kitchen decor. Paired up with a nice k-cup carousel and you have a little corner of kitchen happiness in my book.

Keurig B70 Platinum | Review Summary

To sum up, the Keurig B70 is in my opinion a fantastic coffee maker. Calling it just a coffee maker seems to do it a little disservice. We shop for appliances and always seem to pick the one that “does it all.” The multitasker. But at the end of the day we really just want them to do one thing but do it really well. The Keurig B70 does one thing really well-it makes a killer single cup of coffee.



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